Camping is a great way to explore all that New Zealand has to offer, but it's important to keep safe while you're here.
If you find yourself in an emergency while in New Zealand dial 111 for fire, ambulance or police. Calls are free.
New Zealand Police website
The New Zealand Police website has some great information on how to keep yourself and your possessions safe while travelling around New Zealand. The information is available in several languages, including English, German, French and Dutch.
New Zealand safety brochure
New Zealand Police has also created a downloadable brochure with information on how to stay safe in New Zealand, including a map showing where to find police stations and Visitor i-SITE Information Centres in the major centres and a chart of travel times and distances between locations.
Download the guide - available in English, Chinese, Hindi, Korean and Japanese.
- Your Guide to Keeping Safe brochure - English
- Your Guide to Keeping Safe brochure - Chinese
- Your Guide to Keeping Safe brochure - Hindi
- Your Guide to Keeping Safe brochure - Korean
- Your Guide to Keeping Safe brochure - Japanese