Certified self-contained vehicles
If you are driving a certified self-contained vehicle, please dispose of your grey water (sink and shower) and toilet waste in a safe and environmentally sound way at an approved dump station. Campervan companies recommend disposing of your waste every 2-3 days.
Your vehicle is not certified self-contained if it does not meet the Self containment of motor caravans and caravans standard.
How to find a dump station
Most camping grounds will have dump stations and there are also public ones throughout the country.
Search on the AA map
Use the online AA map to find the nearest dump stations - simply search on Dump Station and the map will identify the nearest facilities.
Search on an app
Search for dump stations on the Camper Mate app or the Camping NZ app.
Dump station symbol
Keep an eye out for the blue Dump Station symbol as you travel throughout the country. Many public dump stations are located at service/petrol stations.